



One topic that concerns parents the most is the daily fight to get their kids to eat. We are constantly battling with our kids about how much they eat, what they eat, and when they eat, and this can be exhausting. Yet it is usually us that cause the problem. Babies are born with a natural survival instinct, including their ability to suck so that they can drink milk. We follow their nutritional demands and feed them when they are hungry; we let them drink milk until they are satisfied, and they grow and develop well. 



As they grow and develop, they start putting things in their mouth, they get teeth, and we introduce them to solids. We measure and monitor everything that goes into their mouths; we are not satisfied that they've had enough, and we start rewarding and punishing children according to their eating. And we decide now it's time to take over and control their eating.



So let's explore this issue a little further. Why should children be rewarded for doing what comes naturally, for doing what they need to do to stay alive? Do we trust the young infant to know when he's had enough more than we do our older children? All we are doing is teaching children not to listen to the rhythms of their bodies. 





Respect your child when he says he's eaten enough. 





What's Normal?什么是正常的行为?

It is normal for young children as they move from liquids to mushy foods to solids to go through picky eating phases; they become accustomed to new tastes and textures. At the age of two, as children's physical growth starts to slow down, they don't need quite so many calories as before, and they start losing their baby fat.  

对于小孩子来说,经历了液体食物到糊状食物再到固体食物,有挑食的问题是很正常的;他们习惯新的口味和口感会有一个过程。在两岁的时候,随着孩子的身体发育开始放缓,他们不再需要像以前那么多的卡路里,他们不再有婴儿肥 。


We become sure that they must be hungry and start running after them offering them snacks like yogurt, fruit, cookies, and milk every half hour to make up for the food we feel they didn't eat enough of. Why would they eat that healthy, nutritious meal you worked so hard to prepare when they know they can get a delicious snack in a few minutes? 



When this happened to me, I spoke to a colleague, and she recommended I make notes of how much he eats during a week. I wrote down everything he ate from the moment he woke up to when he went to sleep. I kept our routine but followed his hunger cycles and let him choose not to eat anything if he wasn't hungry. I found after that week that my son was eating more than enough sometimes, he didn't eat much, but he usually made up for it. Just like me, he went through phases when his appetite just wasn't that big. He had clear favorites, but in general, over the course of 3 days, I noticed he would get in all the nutrition he needed to stay healthy and grow strong.  





If your child had a big snack an hour before dinner, he might not be hungry enough to eat. So, plan out snack times to set parts of the day and won't interfere with mealtimes.Often children don't like the feel of the food in their mouth. It's as simple as a sensory issue; in my toddler classes over the years, I've noticed that almost all my students would never eat the egg yolk. –It's my favorite part! However, they love to eat steamed eggs (a regular thing here in China) – Something I won't touch! My children will only eat grated or melted cheese. I love cheese in all forms! 




Recommendation: Practice with different textures of foods to see what your child likes and doesn't like. 





There is one constant in any food battle I've found, and it is the fight for control. Indeed here, the old saying 'it takes two to tango' rings true! Children want independence; they want to feel that they have some say over themselves and their bodies. The one place where they know they can beat you is at the dinner table. If you don't fight back, there is no battle, and your child will soon get tired of fighting with no one. So if you've found yourself in a battle over food, here are a few suggestions. 



1. Choices: Before starting the meal, give your child a choice. You can let them choose one of the dishes, such as a choice between broccoli and carrots. Always offer a selection between things that you are willing to prepare. 



2. Involvement: When children have helped to prepare a meal, they will at least be curious to taste what they have made. You can start with easy tasks, like whisking the eggs, stirring the pot, or adding the ingredients. Slowly they can help with more and more of the meal, who knows, you might soon not have to cook at all! 



3. Prepare Only One Meal: Make a single meal for the whole family, not one thing for everyone else, and then a separate meal for your child. It's O.K. to make sure there is something on the table that you know your child will enjoy, but it should be available to all to share, not only to them. It's a great way to introduce your child to communal eating without the pressure to eat something they don't like. 




4. Trust: You can't control if your child eats or not, so don't even try. Trust your child to make the right choices for himself and his body. The more you fight, the more your child will fight back. If they don't eat lunch, they'll probably be hungrier at the next meal and make up for it. If you get worried, prepare something for the next meal you know they love (In our case, its noodles) 



5. Independence: Many parents work very hard during meal times. They are feeding children, wiping their mouths, picking up food from the table or floor, rushing children to eat faster, eat slower, and telling them what to eat. I get tired of just watching these parents at work! Any Child who has no serious developmental issues can feed themselves. Their body tells them how much to eat, and they have the skills to get the food into their mouths. When we don't let them do this, they resent us.  


In my 23 years of experience working with children between the ages of 18 months to 6 years, all my students have fed themselves, served their food, and in general, eaten more at school than they do at home. Why is this?… I trust them. Even if they choose only rice for lunch today, I trust they will make up for it by eating extra meat the next day. We give them time to eat, savor and enjoy mealtimes; I don't touch their food or plates, it's their domain, and I trust them to run it. The children repay my trust in them and show me they deserve it!  











首页    餐桌上的食物大战,是孩子为实现自我掌控而做的努力!